Return and Exchange Policy
We offer a 14-day return policy. To qualify for a refund or exchange, the product must be in the same condition as when it was received – unused and in its original packaging.
Exchanges are only offered for damaged or incorrect products. If you would like to exchange your product, please contact us at [] and include your name, order number, and a photo of the damaged product for assessment. Please also specify whether you would like to exchange the product or receive a refund.
Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer, unless the product is defective or incorrect. To initiate a return, please contact us at [] for detailed instructions on how to proceed with the return.
Once we receive and inspect the returned items, we will notify you via email regarding the return approval. Refunds will be processed using the same payment method used during the purchase and may take up to 14 days.
If you are returning part of your order, we will refund only the cost of the returned items, not the shipping fees.
The seller is not responsible for damages caused by improper use of the products or incorrect information provided by the customer when placing the order. Additionally, the seller is not liable for delivery delays caused by third parties (eg, postal service providers).